Little Rock Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
July 03, 2024

What to Do Before the Moving Truck Arrives

closet all packed up for a moveBy Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

You have decided on the best moving company in Little Rock, packed up your complete life into cartons, reserved your dates with the professional movers, organized your journey, packed your travel suitcase, and have a new house all set up and ready at the destination. Subsequent to all that work to get everything primed... finally it's moving day. And, if you have done your job right, you might well end up sitting on the entrance step anticipating the moving van asking yourself... what now?

Having a few hours to oneself moving day can appear tranquil, exhausting, fascinating, or unsure. Every person reacts distinctly, but you do not have to simply sit around waiting for the moving van to show up. Rather, it is possible to follow a helpful checklist which can make sure you unquestionably are bowing out with each and every duck in a row. The following are five superb things to do when watching for the professional movers in Little Rock to show up.

1. Last Cabinet Check

Complete a final walk through your residence and perform a concluding check of each area, closet, cupboard, and upper shelf. Make sure you're not forgetting something or leaving behind a carton in a closed room where the movers may not find it. It could be useful to have one final half-full box open to receive the random glove, earring, or hand towel that you might scrounge up from the far reaches of the cabinetry on your final check.

This is the optimal time to also take a glance at every bathroom. Make certain there is toilet paper, a hand towel, and hand soap in each one. This is not just good for you and the movers on moving day, it is additionally a considerate way for you to depart from a home.

2. Clear Area for the Movers

Following, think about the place that the moving truck is going to park. You will need a long area, more than likely curbside, with the rear end (or side) of the truck pointing toward your house however that's possible, if you reside in a parking-space regulated community, you may need to book a row of individual spaces for your moving truck on the big day.

After that consider where your professional movers are going to be stepping and prepare a sizable course to enable them to safely use. You can place down panels when there is mud, but most professional moving companies will place down floor runners to keep your flooring surfaces sparkling. It's also wise to clear away all obstacles out of the way to speed up the move and get rid of tripping dangers.

3. Look at the Fine Print

Whilst waiting around for the truck in Little Rock, set aside a second to look at your moving paperwork and records. There are typically intriguing particulars and observations into the moving industry by merely reading the files that the moving company in Little Rock gave you.

The documents will also list certain materials that the movers can't move, often legally. Included in this are anything living including plants and flowers, anything that may possibly explode, or anything at all that could rot in the truck. In case you have fish, pets, dangerous materials, or house plants then make plans to bring them together with you instead of transferring them inside the truck. And in case you've got any questions about what can and can't move on the moving van, give your moving coordinator a call. They will be happy to respond to any queries you could have.

4. Fill the Fridge with Sodas and Water

After that, set aside a second to load your fridge with refreshments. Your fridge is already purged which means there ought to be plenty of room for cases of soda and also water and perhaps even healthy snacks for the crew. The bigger your move, the more cherished drinks and snacks will be. Particularly if you, like many, move in the hotter months. Supplying healthy snacks for the moving crew is not obligatory, but we guarantee you that it'll be well received and also appreciated.

5. Load up Your Vehicle

Finally, be sure that your personal vehicle is loaded and all set to go. Chances are, as soon as the professional movers have left and you've cleaned the place one last time, you'll be leaving once and for all. The best way to ensure you don't forget something is to conduct the comprehensive examination beforehand. Look at the gas and oil levels. Look at your overnight bag and make certain all house plants and household pets will be ready to head out when it is time.


Once you've taken care of everything else, awaiting the moving truck can seem to be like a sizeable stretch of empty time. Although with this list, you'll have your time proficiently filled to ensure the property is ready when the moving truck arrives. For additional moving tips or to discuss your upcoming move, call us today!


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